UDEMY: Ansible Basics: An Automation Technical Overview

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Me parece una buena opción para principiantes, siendo una de las plataformas de automatización que está creciendo mucho, estoy seguro a la gente que trabaja en TI le hará mucho sentido, es apenas una introducción a lo que puedes hacer con Ansible pero nuevamente para comenzar me parece una buena opción, les dejo a continuación algunos detalles directos de la descripción del curso:

Lo que aprenderás:
  • Understand how Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2 works
  • Understand automation modules, tasks, and playbooks
  • How to execute Ansible commands
  • Use variable and templates
  • Understand automation controller and it's features

In this training you will get an introduction to the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2 and learn:

  • The benefits of the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
  • How Ansible works and how to use it to create automation
  • How to use Ansible inventories, main Ansible config file, and modules
  • The basics of Ansible Playbooks and how to use Ansible plays, tasks and modules, and playbook runs
  • The basics of variables, debug module, Ansible facts
  • How to operationalize automation using the automation controller
  • How to build an automation job using inventories, credentials, syncing a project, and a job template
  • How to use surveys and build a job template for self-service IT
  • How to continue training with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

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